Female genital mutilation (FGM) isn't someone else's problem. It has come to America.

Female genital mutilation is something we all must be concerned about.
Not only for the victims in foreign countries.
Hundreds of thousands of women and girls in America are in danger of FGM.
The world is waking up to the reality of mutilating women and girls. The United Nations has designated February 6 as the Day of Zero Tolerance of FGM, and is in Phase III of eradicating the practice worldwide.
The movement to ban FGM is picking up among state legislatures across America.
EndFGMtoday.com shows what you can do to help.
FBI Probe Into Female Genital Mutilation Expands Beyond Michigan to New York, California and Illinois
The FBI’s investigation into genital mutilation of girls, some as young as six-years-old, has expanded beyond the original case in Michigan where two doctors were arrested and indicted in April. Girls from Minnesota were taken to Michigan for “treatment” by their parents. A refresher on some of the details: The…
Craven Maine Democrats block bill to protect safety of little girls
The motto of the state of Maine is Dirigo – Latin for ‘I lead’. Bellwether wants to know who’s leading the fight to protect little girls in Maine from genital mutilation. A Republican-sponsored bill to outlaw the barbaric procedure is being opposed by Democrats, who say they fear it will…
Michigan doctor to stay in jail in genital mutilation case
A Detroit-area doctor charged with performing genital mutilation on girls from a Muslim sect will remain in jail while she awaits trial after a judge on Wednesday expressed concern that she might try to flee the country. U.S. District Judge Bernard Friedman took note of the roughly three dozen people who were…
In wake of Detroit cases, American Muslims target female genital mutilation
Female genital mutilation (FGM) was long seen as an “over there” problem; it is now an “everywhere problem.” In a Skype conversation, London-based FGM survivor Hibo Wardere said the Detroit FGM trial has forced Americans to open their eyes to a brutal practice that happens within their own borders. For…
Video: Kelly Carlson on Maine FGM legislation
Maine actress Kelly Carlson discusses why the Maine legislature must pass its anti-FGM legislation immediately
Attorney: Michigan genital mutilation case stretches to other states
The genital mutilation investigation that has snared several people in Michigan has also stretched to other states. Federal agents have identified new potential defendants who live in Los Angeles, Chicago and Minnesota, according to court documents filed Tuesday by Shannon Smith, an attorney for a Michigan doctor charged in the…
Maine legislature called to ban FGM, as evidence mounts of its barbaric effects
Actor with Maine Roots, Kelly Carlson, Joins State’s Prosecutors in Bipartisan Effort to #EndFGMToday Washington, D.C.—Tomorrow, the Maine State Legislature will have the opportunity to vote on a bipartisan bill that would ban in that state a barbaric practice known as female genital mutilation (FGM). At issue is whether lawmakers…
Another chance for state’s lawmakers to get it right
There’s hope that a bill in Maine banning female genital mutilation will be reconsidered by lawmakers. In late June, Maine’s Senate unanimously passed L.D. 745, a bill banning the practice; but just two days later, Democrats in the House, joined by three Republicans, voted it down. That came after the…
FGM bill rejected in Maine House
Last week, while Michigan governor Rick Snyder was signing new legislation to make female genital mutilation (FGM),the practice that cuts or removes the outside of the female genitalia, a felony punishable by up to 15 years in prison, the Maine legislature was turning a blind eye to the grim reality of FGM…
Female genital mutilation case making history, but not the news
The silence is deafening. A new federal case teases the makeup of a classic horror story: abused children, women’s rights, sexuality and big-name lawyers. Yet, the news media who pride themselves on covering feminism are censoring a case out of Michigan alleging that up to 100 young girls were victims…