Female genital mutilation (FGM) isn't someone else's problem. It has come to America.

Female genital mutilation is something we all must be concerned about.
Not only for the victims in foreign countries.
Hundreds of thousands of women and girls in America are in danger of FGM.
The world is waking up to the reality of mutilating women and girls. The United Nations has designated February 6 as the Day of Zero Tolerance of FGM, and is in Phase III of eradicating the practice worldwide.
The movement to ban FGM is picking up among state legislatures across America.
EndFGMtoday.com shows what you can do to help.
With FGM, Trudeau puts political correctness before Canadian values
Candice Malcolm of TheRebel.media reports on Justin Trudeau removing the condemnation of barbaric cultural practices from Canada’s citizenship guide.
Calling All Liberals: Will No One Look Out for the Rights of the Women and Children?
Tariq Ramadan, an Islamic scholar whom Oxford University treats as a feather in its cap, recently shocked the world by meticulously trying to avoid any criticism of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Instead, he asserted that it is a part of Islamic tradition and an internal matter for Muslims in the…
5 apps working to improve women’s safety across the world
1. Tech Girls of Dharavi Girls in Dharavi Diary Slum are learning how to code apps, changing the lives of people living in Mumbai’s biggest slum. The project aims to empower and educate girls from the Dharavi slum, giving them vital skills to thrive in a digital world. In a…
Five Kenyan Girls Developed An App To Help Girls At Risk Of Female Genital Mutilation
25% of Kenyan women and girls have undergone Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), the barbaric practice of totally or partially removing the external genitalia. This practice still subsists even though it has been declared illegal in Kenya. Five Kenyan girls, Stacy Owino, Cynthia Otieno, Purity Achieng, Macrine Atieno & Ivy Akinyi,…
Maine voting on bill to make female genital mutilation a crime
The push to bring female genital mutilation (FGM) to an end throughout the nation continues — but this time all eyes are on Maine. If the House fails to call up the bill again on Wednesday Maine could end up being “a safe harbor for mutilators,” as Liz Yore head…
Maine Sending Strong Nationwide Message with Crucial Vote on Anti-Female Genital Mutilation Bill TODAY in Senate
#EndFGMToday Urges Maine Residents to Contact Lawmakers to Protect Girls and Women from This Barbaric Practice; Maine House Speaker Sara Gideon Against Bringing L.D. 745 Up for Vote Washington, D.C.—Today, Maine lawmakers will have a chance to protect girls from the horrors of female genital mutilation (FGM) through the crucial…
Female genital mutilation in N. America; feminists silent
Candice Malcolm of TheRebel.media reports on occurrences of female genital mutilation in North America and asks why feminists have been silent.
State Rep. says female genital mutilation is happening in Maine
Republican Representative Heather Sirocki says her research suggests female genital mutilation is happening in Maine, and she wants to stop it. “I get private Facebook messages from nurses; I get personal conversation from folks, they’re telling me what they’re seeing in Maine hospitals,” Sirocki said. No Maine hospital would confirm…
New push to criminalize female genital mutilation in Maine
A Maine lawmaker says she’s not giving up on a bill that appears to be dead. Rep. Heather Sirocki (R-Scarborough) is calling on her colleagues in the House and Senate to make female genital mutilation illegal, and there’s a slight chance her bill could get new life later this week.…
A heinous act deserves a law
Recently Michigan became the 26th state to ban female genital mutilation. It has been a crime under federal law since 1966, punishable by up to five years in prison. Michigan’s law imposes harsher penalties than the federal law. The Michigan legislation was preceded by the news that Michigan doctors had…