Female genital mutilation is not a sex act, attorney says

DETROIT, MI — Federal prosecutors charged two Detroit-area doctors, who are also accused of female genital mutilation, with an additional crime usually reserved for pimps who prostitute young girls. Dr. Jumana Nagarwala, 44, of Northville, a former physician at Henry Ford Hospital, is accused of performing religious-based female circumcisions on…

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Calling All Liberals: Will No One Look Out for the Rights of the Women and Children?

Tariq Ramadan, an Islamic scholar whom Oxford University treats as a feather in its cap, recently shocked the world by meticulously trying to avoid any criticism of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Instead, he asserted that it is a part of Islamic tradition and an internal matter for Muslims in the…

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Michigan FGM case could test bounds of religious liberty

This fall, a United States district judge will hear a landmark case: For the first time, the federal government is pursuing a case of female genital mutilation on American soil. Defense lawyers have said they will argue a freedom of religion defense – setting the stage for an explosive test…

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Michigan takes female genital mutilators to court

On July 19, U.S. District Court Judge Bernard Friedman denied bail for Dr. Jumana Nagarwala, a physician, as the Detroit Free Press reported, “accused of cutting the genitals of two Minnesota girls as part of a religious procedure.”  According to the court, Nagarwala may have subjected as many as 100…

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FBI Probe Into Female Genital Mutilation Expands Beyond Michigan to New York, California and Illinois

The FBI’s investigation into genital mutilation of girls, some as young as six-years-old, has expanded beyond the original case in Michigan where two doctors were arrested and indicted in April. Girls from Minnesota were taken to Michigan for “treatment” by their parents. A refresher on some of the details: The…

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Michigan doctor to stay in jail in genital mutilation case

A Detroit-area doctor charged with performing genital mutilation on girls from a Muslim sect will remain in jail while she awaits trial after a judge on Wednesday expressed concern that she might try to flee the country. U.S. District Judge Bernard Friedman took note of the roughly three dozen people who were…

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Attorney: Michigan genital mutilation case stretches to other states

The genital mutilation investigation that has snared several people in Michigan has also stretched to other states. Federal agents have identified new potential defendants who live in Los Angeles, Chicago and Minnesota, according to court documents filed Tuesday by Shannon Smith, an attorney for a Michigan doctor charged in the…

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