Daily Beast: Combating FGM is not Islamophobia

“Combating FGM/C in Muslim communities therefore is not an act of anti-Muslim xenophobia or ‘Islamophobia,'” Qantas Ahmed writes in the Daily Beast. “It is a defense of human rights and the duty of every American to stop. The practice of FGM/C is not religious freedom.”

by Qantas Ahmed, The Daily Beast

FGM/C is rising among migrants of Norway, Australia, Canada, Sweden, Switzerland, Britain, and the United States. Migrants, traveling with daughters on summer vacations to their native countries have the procedure performed at grave risk of infection, bleeding, and death when non-clinicians perform this procedure. School holidays thus become ‘The Cutting Season.’ “Among Muslim diaspora communities here in the U.S.—particularly in the Pacific Northwest among the Somali migrant community—FGM/C is performed “in the name of Islam,” disregarding the complete absence of a Quranic mandate on FGM/C. For the moment it seems the little girls involved in this case were taken from Minnesota to Michigan and therefore may be part of the Somali-American diaspora. “Combating FGM/C in Muslim communities therefore is not an act of anti-Muslim xenophobia or ‘Islamophobia’: It is a defense of human rights and the duty of every American to stop. The practice of FGM/C is not religious freedom. It is child abuse and criminal physical assault nothing short of dismemberment.” Click here for the full article.

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